Delivering complex ideas in an easily understandable and engaging way
Individual storyboards
Video content
Specialisms Utilised.
The Challenge.
Mitigating for and reducing risk in business operations is a constantly moving, ever evolving threat no matter how large or small your business. In 2019 we helped Sungard Availability Services empower the business world to better protect themselves from risks to their technology, operations and the wider organisation. Designing and executing a free to use educational program based around Sungard’s ‘Model for Resilience’; the campaign needed to resonate with a wide ranging audience and deliver complex ideas in an easily understandable and engaging way.
The Results.
23,000 words written
500 individual storyboards
2 presenters filmed over 2 days
2 hours of video content
1,000,000 impressions in the first month of the campaign
This included 42,000 social media interactions and an average engagement rate of 4.5%.