3 Tips for successful office interior design

Among the various factors influencing employee performance in a workspace, office interior design stands out as a significant contributor. Research suggests that workplace interior design plays a crucial role in boosting job satisfaction and influencing the way employees work. It can enhance organisational success by supporting work quality, quantity, and style, while also improving turnover and absentee rates.

One study found that a majority of employees (96%) believe that superior office design correlates with better overall performance and increases a company's competitiveness. The study revealed that 44% of respondents anticipate a productivity increase of over 50%. These findings underscore the significant impact of good workplace design on performance, ultimately leading to enhanced productivity for organisations.

Let’s look at three office-design ideas that can help you inspire your employees.

Smart furniture choices - desk image

Tip 1: Prioritise functionality and wellbeing with smart furniture choices

A well-designed office goes beyond aesthetics. It should actively support your employees' physical health and well-being throughout the workday. This is where ergonomic furniture comes in.  

Here's a breakdown of key elements to consider:

The ergonomic chair
A chair with adjustable lumbar support is your best friend. It cradles the natural curve of your lower back, preventing slouching and those dreaded aches. Look for chairs with height and depth adjustments to fit a variety of body types.

Your feet should rest flat on the floor with knees at a comfortable 90-degree angle. Adjustable seat height and depth are key to achieving this golden position.

Adjustable armrests that support your forearms and elbows are game-changers. Look for options that adjust in height and width to tuck neatly under the desk.

Desks designed for you
Standing desks, or desks with adjustable heights, are a game-changer. They empower you to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. This reduces pressure on your spine, encourages healthy movement, and can even boost your focus.

When sitting, the desk height should allow your elbows to form a right angle while using the keyboard and mouse. No more hunching over your work!

A keyboard tray positioned slightly below elbow level can help maintain proper wrist posture and reduce strain on your forearms. Include one if you find yourself needing that extra bit of comfort.

The finishing touches
Footrests: For those who prefer sitting for extended periods, a footrest provides additional support and improves circulation in the legs.

Anti-fatigue mats: Standing for long periods can also take its toll. Anti-fatigue mats with a slight cushion can make standing a more comfortable experience.

Monitors: Monitor placement is crucial to prevent neck strain. Ideally, the top of the monitor should be at or slightly below eye level.

Natural light and biophilic design image

Tip 2:  Introduce natural light and biophilic design 

Natural light isn't just about chasing away shadows. It enhances employee well-being and productivity. This is especially needed in small-office design. 

Research suggests a fascinating link: exposure to natural light during the day regulates melatonin production, a hormone that influences sleep-wake cycles. This regulation translates to a positive impact on mood and alertness. Ample natural light can elevate mood, reduce fatigue, and foster a more positive outlook.

Employees bathed in natural light throughout the workday often report feeling more energised and engaged, likely due to the hormonal influence on focus and alertness. By strategically incorporating natural light into your workspace design, you can harness this natural advantage and cultivate a work environment that inspires and empowers your team.

Here are some key ways to integrate these benefits into your corporate office interior design:

Maximise natural light sources

Prioritise ample windows with unobstructed views of the outdoors during the design phase. Skylights can also be a fantastic way to bathe the interior in natural light, especially for deeper areas.

Embrace biophilic elements

Biophilia, the concept of connecting with nature, goes beyond just light. Here's how to bring the outdoors in:

  • Live plants: Plants not only add a touch of life and beauty but also help purify the air, further enhancing employee well-being. Choose low-maintenance varieties that thrive indoors.
  • Natural materials: Use furniture and accents made from natural materials like wood, stone, and bamboo to create a connection with the outdoors. These materials can be calming and contribute to a more positive work environment.
  • Water features: Consider incorporating a small indoor water feature, like a tabletop fountain, into your workspace design. The gentle sound of trickling water can be incredibly calming and improve focus, creating a more serene atmosphere for your team.
h2o creative office shot
h2o creative Office Design

Tip 3: Weave your brand identity into the workplace

Your office design is a powerful storytelling tool. It's a canvas to showcase your company culture and brand identity, creating a space that resonates with both employees and visitors. 

Here's how you can delve deeper into this concept:

A visual symphony: Colours, logos, and artwork

Embrace your colour palette 

Colours have a significant psychological impact. Use your brand's colour scheme throughout the space, but not in an overwhelming way. Consider using accent walls, furniture fabrics, or artwork to incorporate pops of colour that reinforce your brand identity.

The power of the logo

Your logo is a visual representation of your brand. Subtly incorporate your logo throughout the office in creative ways. Think wall decals, etched glass partitions, or even custom-designed furniture.

Curated artwork

Don't just decorate the walls. Curate a collection of artwork that reflects your brand values. This could include photographs that capture your company culture, inspirational quotes that align with your mission, or even commissioned pieces by local artists that showcase your commitment to the community.

Cadonix Office Design
Cadonix Office Design

Beyond aesthetics: Functionality meets brand identity

Think of your office interior design as a physical manifestation of your company culture. 

Here's how to translate that concept:


Collaborative culture? 

Open up your space. If your company thrives on collaboration, consider an open floor plan with shared workspaces and huddle rooms. This fosters a sense of connection and encourages interaction between teams.

Innovation at the forefront? 

Design for creativity. For companies that value innovation, create flexible workspaces that can be easily reconfigured to accommodate brainstorming sessions or project work. Think whiteboards, writable surfaces, and movable furniture.

Focus first?

Provide quiet zones. If your company culture prioritises deep-focus work, dedicate specific areas to give employees a quiet and distraction-free environment. Think soundproofed pods or designated quiet zones with comfortable furniture and minimal visual clutter.

Unipart Distribution Center Design
Unipart Distribution Center Design

The power of subliminal messaging

The details matter. Here are some subtle ideas for office interior design to weave in your brand identity:

  • Company values etched in stone (literally): Consider incorporating your company values into the physical space through wall quotes, engraved signage, or even custom-designed flooring.
  • Mission on display: Showcase your company’s mission statement in a prominent location to serve as a daily reminder of your purpose and goals. This can be a physical display or even a digital one on screens throughout the office.
  • Employee recognition wall: Dedicate a space to celebrate employee achievements and milestones. This fosters a sense of belonging and pride within your team.

Creating a space that inspires

By incorporating these three key design elements – functional furniture, natural elements, and brand identity – your office interior designer can transform your workspace from a mere office into a hub of creativity, productivity, and employee well-being.

Investing in a well-designed workspace is an investment in your most valuable asset – your people. By creating a space that inspires and empowers them, you’re on your way to achieving organisational success.

Serck Office Design
Serck Office Design

Need help? We’re here.
At h2o, we also create workspaces that uplift teams and visitors alike.  
Our experienced office-space designers can help you translate your company culture and brand identity into a functional and beautiful workspace. Check out our Spatial Office Redesign services or our recent case study for inspiration.